To practice Sovereignty, one has to be active in:
- Practicing the Law of Non-Contradiction,
- Studying occult knowledge and corresponding it to the Self and the world around oneself,
- Questioning authority figures,
- Treating others how you want to be treated,
- Causing no harm to sentient beings,
- and Actively Utilizing gained insights to manifest more freedom in the world around you.
(There exists two types of Sovereignty, but I cannot cover
this here, I'll reserve that for a later post.)
In this country we have a serious problem where people do
not understand, nor do they respect the sanctity of the property rights of
The masses are under a great delusion of entitlement.
And the elitists are "drunk" on their "illusion" of authority to
promote/ prolong and feed that entitlement.
Clearly creating a mass division/ crack right in the center
of a society desperate to survive.
Belief in entitlement becomes a vacuum that drains energy
away from charity/ compassion and love because entitlement is based on the
scarcity of mind,
resources, and the capacity to "do".
The reasoning is that by being born in this Country, one is "automatically" registered as property of the State, at which the currency of the
nation is backed by the future value you contribute to society through the
taxation of your labor.
Being property of the State, in this context, you have no
inalienable, inherent Rights... you have privilege.
(This is a whole other topic I should expand on in another post as well, but the reality is that the Government Bureaucracies build their authority from this very premise/ foundation... that you are their property. Your duty is to serve the State. *Refer to my posts on Eugenics regarding that aspect.)
Sovereigns recognize that taxation is theft as it is robbed
from people by threat of violence, coercion, & intimidation.
We come to understand that it is paying for the
dissemination of ignorance, apathy, and the mind control of insecurity,
abdication, and weakness. These very forms of mind control is exactly what
Sovereigns are actively working to destroy.
It is a known moral virtue not to steal from others, yet it
is justifiable because Government gave themselves the Right to subvert the law of Laws. Government claims this supposed "Right" by the "consent" of the people, another questionable basis founded on moral relativism.
Theft is never "justifiable" and is a complete
contradiction for government to steal from billions using tactics of fear:
Fines, violence or imprisonment. This contradictory behavior is but one of the
many evil fruits we consume that infect our reasoning with viruses that dampen our evolution.
Cognitive dissonance, Mental schisms and emotional mind
control are the enemy of Sovereign Men and Women everywhere!
(I will expand on these schisms in a future post, but for now...)
Sovereigns have a major burden on their backs.
Being Sovereign involves “work”, however it is the “great
work” as described by the medieval alchemists and “the great commission” as
laid out by Christ.
With knowledge comes responsibility to understand
and with
understanding comes responsibility to act
in accord with that knowledge.
It becomes the sovereign’s responsibility to remove the
contradictions within himself, thereby removing contradictions from his
environment as a result. When a
sovereign undertakes this work, society bites back and will not stop at
dragging a Sovereign through the mud.
They must filthy up the cleanliness of a Sovereign to drag
them back down to the societal “norm” level.
This cannot be done, however, because once a person has
undertaken the study of uncovering the truth of how things actually have been
and are operating today, it is a complete abandonment of all the growth a
sovereign has endured.
Sovereigns will not “tolerate” evil just to get along, will
not go along to get along, and will not abandon a real diamond fora cheap
Any collaboration with evil is, to a sovereign, the support of
giving credence to the foundation upon which evil rests.
Evil is not going to be banished following that line of
This is why sovereigns stand their ground and why they are
the hot topic inside police stations.
Once a sovereign has destroyed their beliefs in illusory
concepts and completely shed themselves of the poisonous conformity which tied
them down, the only place to go from that point is up.
Aligning oneself with
correct knowledge/
true principles/
truth seeking acts as food for the spirit which nourishes it
to grow larger.
When this happens it is akin to a lion that has gotten too
big for its cage, you must mature, grow, and move forward.
The system/ status
quo is no longer a suitable habitation and dwelling for the Self and separation
from it is not only desirable and necessary but also imminent and

Sovereignty is all about expanding freedom.
Freedom is the expansion of consciousness.
Consciousness will, when people destroy the
restrictions/limitations/ errors they invest their “belief” into, expand to ever
greater heights of realization/ actualization.
Currently, however, there exists no place on Earth for the free exercise of sovereignty to be expressed where it will not be confronted by dominators/ controllers/ elitists/ statists/ archons who believe in authority outside the Self being legitimate.
Very powerful, financially set people have a “vested interest” in keeping
consciousness in a prison/a box/ caged up because they profit from that paradigm; A paradigm of overtly polarized fear. The only concern of those in control today is handing over to their children tomorrow a more efficiently milkable society that goes along with little to no resistance. The Party line being; "Resistance is Futile; Accept, Trust, Follow Orders".
Right now, our consciousness, on a level concerning the
group aggregate (collective consciousness) is locked in a very low vibrational
frequency. Collectively, humanity is buying into the deception that authority
is actually legitimate through the fear of violence, coercion, and threat.
Since birth, humanity have been spoon-fed the deception
that “some men” are greater than and more suitable to rule the collective, according
to natural selection and good breeding.
Ultimately, this boils down to the idea that man thinks he
is God; the “Pontifex Maximus” God-King.
Man erroneously thinks himself not bound by nature and
capable of behaving contradictory to nature’s laws and not pay a penalty, paying no mind to the Law of cause and effect.
Those, who call themselves elite, are locked down in this
low vibrational consciousness themselves as a result of this law. Reaping what you sow and it continues in a cyclic nature until the Force of Will intervenes to stop it; which is where sovereignty is playing the greatest role right now.
In short, the elitists are high on their own stash and are
propagating the sale of this drug to support their own habits.
In nature, there exists zero contradictions.
We live in a non-contradictory Universe.
It is non-contradictory, that is, until we begin to analyze
the mind of man.
Using the principles of sound logic, we begin to understand
that the very “chaos” that man himself fears, is where all the chaos literally
Chaos exists nowhere outside of the little bubble mankind
has created for himself.
In this bubble, man invents ideas and uses persuasive speech
to sell it to the other people.
The proper term and definition to describe this is called
Sorcery is the manipulation of others to get what you desire
to fulfill the superficial wants of your ego and subside the fears of your
So, within this bubble, the concept of authority is
considered “sound”/ “legitimate” yet it is not sound in nature. Only, giving
the appearance of sound.
A Sophist can persuade a deception so cleverly to cause the
people to buy their rhetoric, sound or not, because they are performers.
The quality of the information is not of the utmost
importance, only the “prestige” that follows the delivery of their information.
Sophisticated and sophomore derive from the root Sophism...
get the hint?
The sophists were rhetoricians/ wordsmiths who prized
perfect speech delivery/articulation over truth.
They cast “spells” of delusion over their unsuspecting
The advertising industry today uses this same exact science
of Sophism to “sell” you on “ideas” you do not need nor would you want in your
“Ideas” that are antithesis to the progression of life,
freedom, prosperity, justice, and righteousness, etc…
If they could persuade someone to buy their premise, whether
the information was pure or poison did not matter, the only thing that mattered
was the articulation of rhetoric as a method.
- Sophism – A clever & plausible fallacious argument; fallacy or sophistry. Professional philosophers who were expert in and taught the skills of rhetoric, argument, and debate. (adj.) of or characteristic of sophists or sophistry; clever & plausible, but unsound and tending to mislead.
- Fallacy - Synonymous with sophistry.
- Prestige - Illusion/ trick/ conjuring; The Transference of meaning occurred by way of the sense "dazzling influence, glamour" at first depreciatory.
If the masses were actually educated about the methods of etymology, logic, and rhetoric in a constructive way, the masses would see right through
all the misdirection, poisonous information, unsound arguments being proposed
and it would propel them to being a questioning people. But currently that’s
not the way it is. Currently, mankind has been gradually, over a long distance
of time, conditioned to become passive, accepting, tolerant, and critical only
toward their long held beliefs. Being that the people are encapsulated within
this bubble of limitation, it becomes apparent from the outside that the war
against mind control can only be fought on an individual level. Individually,
we must inquire within, come to terms that we have been deceived, move to
correct that error, and stop behaving in opposition to what is good and true.
We should all know what is good and true.
Anything that facilitates the ushering in of more freedom,
prosperity, and peace without restricting freedom, prosperity, and peace.
Because evil comes to us packaged in bright & beautiful
wrappings, we must cultivate awareness, discernment, & the faculties of
reason to be able to see from all perspectives rather than the limited view we
currently cling to.
Society, as a whole, has been deliberately dumbed down by
those who wish to mold mankind into a more easily "standardized" mass group who
will go along to get along and never question why it is the way it is.
For those who peer deep into the truth of actual
historically documented events and see clearly the "occultation" of
knowledge being used a THE power differential... it is our responsibility to act on that knowledge. Chinese
philosopher Yung Ming said, "To know and not to do is actually equivalent
to "not knowing after-all".
Government attempts to intimidate us to just accept the
contradiction because it is our duty, and they are succeeding at it. Why
should they stop? They have a 100% accuracy rating in moving forward with their
agenda of control. You name it, we "need" the Government: safety from terror, protection from psychopaths, liability against invasion... the very acts the Government itself imposes. If your playbook guaranteed you a win 100% of the time, why
would you change it? "What's in it for you to change it?" the Sorcerer asks himself this question and reasons that if you're that stupid to fall for his tricks then you deserve to be fooled. And he is correct IF we shrug it off and go along to get along.
We have no duty to defend deceptions like this. We do,
however, have a duty to unveil the truth and stake our rightful and true place
in the world. And that is what Sovereigns are doing.
A long, long time ago, mankind planted an evil seed called
authority and a hierarchical tree structure grew from it. And atop that tree,
the most ruthless, psychopathic warrior, lacking emotional care ruled from
above as a God-king. The people were coerced into accepting the growth of this
seed and it began to grow and look really evil. Since people could see the evil
leaves, a spokesmen came out and declared, "We can fix the evil tree and
thereby make it a good tree". Mankind was actually persuaded to believe
this deluded logic.
And because the people are beginning to see the budding of
this evil fruit, the police state is emerging to drive you into fear and
coerce you to take off your sunglasses.
AND the politicians are saying that, "Though the fruits are
appearing to be evil, if we just paint the bark a pretty color and maybe pinch
the buds to prevent them from blooming... then the tree will be good and
fruitful for mankind to live in peace".
The sovereign is saying that to live in harmony and peace is
to plant seeds of peace and harmony. Evil seeds in the midst of righteous seeds
will choke out the good ones. The evil seeds will flourish like weeds and
overtake it by force, starving out the nutrition to the good.
This evil tree, it must be cut down and replaced with a good
seed. That 'good seed' is adherence to natural law.
The history that is taught about the framing of this country
is a big fat lie, and the media industry is in on it.
This country was manipulated into socialism very early on,
within about 2 years of our revolution.
Self-governance, autonomy, personal growth has increasingly
been steered away from and manipulated against. It was happening then, when the
people were not as directly mind-controlled as they are today. Back then the people had more integrity, were closer to nature, had a more spiritual enlightenment and were courageous and active. That, in and of
itself, should give you a reference point of just how much strength we have to
develop among ourselves to defend against tyranny in our age.
Fight the
GOOD Fight!
Peace and Love,
Mike Kovach
As commented on facebook, great work.
ReplyDeleteDid you make the Tree of Good and Evil listings? I seemed to have missed those if Mark made them. Where did he present them? Thanks.