Sunday, June 29, 2014

TV = Mind Control; So what are you gonna do about it?

TV = Mind Control; So what are you gonna do about it?

June 29, 2014 at 4:11pm
 You should be aware that the most effective prisons are made of beliefs and not stone or steel.  
  • The most effective mind-control tool on the planet today is television.  

The programs that come into millions of homes through that medium significantly influence the viewer's minds and in all too many cases, change the viewer's belief system to match that of the program's producers.  
The vast majority of the programs that are beamed into your home are garbage that pollute viewers' minds. 
Why Avoid Most Television Programs?  
  • Because their  primary focus is on misfits and criminals whose lives are focused on death and destruction.   
What percentage of the present day TV programs are about one of more of the following: 
  1. crime,  
  2. police, 
  3. courts,  
  4. lawyers,  
  5. drugs,  
  6. wars,  
  7. mass murders,  
  8. racial bigotry,  
  9. religious bigotry,  
  10. interracial violence,   
  11. inter-religious violence,  
  12. anti-gay bigotry, 
  13. ethnic cleansing 
  14. Exposé's of histories most heinous criminals,  
  15. news or documentary programs about disasters, crimes, and the like, and/or 
  16. fantasy characters fighting evil villains?    
How much of that do you want to experience in your personal life?  
None? Nada? Zero? Zilch?  
  • Then that's the number of these programs you should be watching.    
You've probably heard "consciousness gurus" tell you not to watch television.  
Here's why they say that.  
Television is a phenomenal tool for mind control because it significantly influences and often dominates the mind of the viewer.  
Viewers listen to the thoughts, beliefs and verbal expressions of those whose voices are broadcast over television;   
Viewers hear sounds depicting actual sounds heard in the external world; 
Viewers see visual images and scenes from the real external world; 
True stories:  
Viewers hear and see news stories and in-depth reports about actual events -- events the likes of which they would never consciously and intentionally welcome into their personal lives;
Dramatic Representations: 
Viewers see dramatic depictions of all kinds of things they would never consciously and intentionally welcome into their personal lives.
Viewers hear and see thousands of brief messages intentionally designed to influence their thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and expectations, and to change their behavior.
These words, sounds, pictures, and dramatic representations often generate strong feeling (internal emotions).   This combination of words, sounds, pictures, and the high emotion they generate strongly influence the viewers. 

Those who control the television content can control your thoughts, your beliefs, your attitudes, and your expectations.  
  • Are you a function of television-generated mind?   
Here are a few basic questions to ask:  

The Whole Truth
Is what you view via television "The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth?"  
Since conveying the whole truth of an event via symbolic representations in words sounds and pictures is impossible, it can never be the whole truth.  
The Message sender:  
  • Who are the message senders?   
  • What is the basic philosophy of the message sender?   
  • What are their long-term goals and intentions?   
  • Is the message sender speaking for him/herself or representing a third party such as a corporation, a religious group, or political party.    
  • Is the Truth Being Distorted?   
  • What is the in-the-moment intention of the message sender?   
  • Is it information, or misinformation?   
  • Is the message sender attempting to distract the viewers attention away from something else?  
  • Is it biased to make any particular belief or behavior look and sound good or bad?   
  • Is there a hidden agenda behind the message?   
  • Is the message sender attempting to inform the viewer or is his/her intention to manipulate and influence the viewer?   
  • If the subject is a controversial issue, what does each side have to win or loose? 

TV- Turn it OFF   Turn it OFF 
We recommend that you turn the TV off.
Unless there is something specific you choose to watch, like a baseball game, a music concert, a special event, etc. then keep the TV off.  
If you are watching programs about crime, police, courts, hospitals, car crashes, and the like,

The Message Senders:  
The mainstream media continuously feeds viewers fear-related stories.  
Because when people live in fear they are much more easily mind manipulated and their behaviors controllable and predictable.  
When people live in fear, they are much more likely to trade freedom for security.
TV commercials commonly show a group of friends living the fictitious life that many viewers would like to be living.  
The actors have above average looks and strongly imply both financial and sexual success.  
The subtle message to the viewer is:  

You're not good enough the way you are.  
If you want to be successful, beautiful, and have friends like those portrayed in the ad, 
then you need to purchase our product.

TV commercials are designed by cognitive psychologists.  
They grab your attention and then fill you with fear, sadness or some other negative emotion.  
The basic message is :
  • There's something wrong with you.   
  • You are not good enough as you are.   
  • You can't have the stud or the sexy actress, but you can buy our product.  
  • Our product will solve the problem we just hit you with.  
Collectively, the commercials and the shows they sponsor are designed to show a far better than average life style.  
Collectively, television portrays a lifestyle that most viewers would like to have.  
The overall goal of television is to produce a consumer mentality that is even more easily manipulated by the next artificially created crisis.
Television is like the fluoride in your toothpaste and in your drinking water, despite numerous studies that indicate that fluoride is a neurotoxin.  
It's a major contributor to the calcification of the pineal gland.  
Television content is the most successful mind-destroying drug the the Cabal criminals have ever invented.  

These people that are considered "the leaders" of the media corporations are in direct conflict of interest with the general well being of the mass population who rely on their broadcasts for current events.These people that are considered "the leaders" of the media corporations are in direct conflict of interest with the general well being of the mass population who rely on their broadcasts for current events.

Presently, our collective, mass consciousness has been Poisoned.
Collectively, humanity is in deep suffering and cognitive dissonance because we are indoctrinated.
Conditioned into "believing" that somehow our behaviors, our systems of control (finance, government and religion) are necessary to prevent chaos. Humanity has been led astray from the perfect KOSMOS that is inherent in the vast Universe.

Creation is fractal; self similar across ALL scales, the microcosm IS self-similar to the Macrocosm and all the laws that govern the one, govern the many. Creation is expansive, multiplying and unfolding in PERFECT harmony with it's many parts.
What is it about Man that makes him "believe" that he has a moral responsibility to "control" and "divide" nature?
The very concept of DIVISION is not inherent to creation.
It is a DIVISIVE tool of the mind of man used to manipulate nature, create factions of opposition to more easily shuffle blame away from the source of the problem. This behavior can be defined as psychopathy and ponerology.

You've probably heard people claim to be victims of some "out there" bad guys, but have you also heard the other side of that same story:  
"There are no victims;  there are no enemies, only unconscious creators."?

There exists two methods by which humans take Action in the World....
and according to which one of these two methods of Action people mainly follow, there are two kinds of people.
One use their reason to learn what is good and what is bad and take Action according to this knowledge.
The other Act as they want to and then they use their reason to prove that "that which they did" was good and "that which they didn't do" was bad.

We can not possibly, as an intelligent species, expect to manifest solutions to the suffering in the world if we continue operating on the same level of consciousness that created the problem. What we need, to rectify the damage done, is to "become the change we wish to see in the world". This is accomplished, not by doing anything extra. No, it is accomplished by Stopping the behaviors that facilitate the growing of the problem. Saying No to immoral orders issued by people who wish to control us through fear.

  1. First, we have to recognize that there does exist a problem.
  2. Next, we have to make an accurate diagnosis of the causal factors that put the problem into effect.
  3. Then we must take action to rectify the causes.
This is called the 3 step problem solving process.

courtesy Kris Nelson at www.evolveconsciousness.comcourtesy Kris Nelson at

In society today, and in the generations past, mankind has only been focusing on "symptoms"; the alleviation of arising symptoms. We have not been striking at the root cause that put the problem into effect. And for any student of history, anthropology, social science, or philosophy, an honest look into the methods by which Man has arrived to where we are at, one should notice it all boils around control and domination. The concept of authority and whether or not it is a "natural" concept should become the question that we all ask ourselves. Do we have any Right to cause harm to another sentient being? Sadly, some people will say that we do. They will also say that the "ends justify the means". Inherently however, when we listen to that small still voice inside called conscience, it is screaming that taking that action will burn us... but we do it anyway. Is that called insanity or what?

Do you see the negative experiences in your life from the position of a victim?   
Upon experiencing pain, do you wallow in self pity and cling to a perception of yourself as a victim of all those demons lurking out in the world just waiting for the opportunity to make your life miserable?  
Do you blame "the Devil" for your plight?


When an outside event affects you and your life, do you ask: 
  • How did I participate in the creation of this event?   
  • Was the possibility of this event occurring in my life in my thoughts, my beliefs, my words, my actions, and my expectations?   
  • How many times did I listen to stories of others about events similar to mine?  
  • In what ways did I physically set myself up for this experience?   
  • How could I have avoided this pain?   
  • What's the message for me here?

Graphic slides courtesy: Mark Passio at

For a comprehensive understanding as to how we, as individuals are responsible for the environment in which we live, simply by complying with the demands of those who call themselves "Authority", and then learn real world "how to" METHODS how to take that power back into yourself, please check out these sites below.

Rediculousness and endless TRIVIALITIES

Children are so innocent and pure. 
It is the demands and commands of so called "adult" society that DESTROY a child's natural state of joy. 
The entire system we are experiencing GOT TA GO! 
No more Victim/ Abuser relationship/ cycle. 
No more Rich feeding from the poor (which IS slavery AND which is the "sand" foundation upon which the whole system of lies is built upon). 
All the reasons why we have indoctrination, "belief" systems over Truth propagation, "entertainment" over moral duty is to keep humanity pinned down in ignorance so we can be more easily controlled by the financiers running the world. 
All the endless trivialities are there to keep us feeling hopeless like there is nothing we can do about it. 
You know what that's called? It's called a 
We have freewill to DECIDE to make the RIGHT choices that do not harm another. 
We have CONSCIENCE to know the difference. 
We have the capacity for courage that when put into use can remedy ALL the ailments of mind control. 

People are living in delusions and don't even have the CARE necessary to initiate any change away from that complacency. Those of us who are waking up to REALITY have to FORCE this into ACTION! 
Jesus got angry one time. Who did he get angry at? The money changers in the temple. He overturned their tables and WHIPPED THEIR ASSES. He took ACTION. 
Action is required for change to occur. 

Sadly, most people just want to sit behind their computers and "discuss" the problems. 
We have to literally BECOME the change we wish to see in the world. And it is not about doing anything more in our lives. It's about STOPPING what we are doing and saying NO! 
Stop complying with government orders. 

We are the AUTHORS of our own lives only. 
Authority outside of ourselves DOES NOT EXIST IN NATURE. It is a fictional idea that stems from "Man" wanting to "control" those around him because he does not believe TRUE FREEDOM is possible. 
What a load of CRAP that idea is. And they call themselves illuminated. 
Orwell himself would have known that Illuminated in THIS system is actually PURE DARKNESS and EVIL!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Political Ponerology and the entropy of Human Consciousness in Society

Ponerology is a term coined by Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Lobaczewski prior to the institution of Communism. 
It is
 an interdisciplinary study of social issues aggregating data from Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, and History. 
Ponerology accounts for such phenomena as: 
Ethnic Cleansing
and Despotism

The term Ponerology, was adopted from a branch of Theology dealing with the study of evil

Derived from the Greek word PonerosIn Modern Greek means - "one whose mind tends toward evil, a sly underhanded person, or even one with a “dirty” mind". 
The word is related to the word Ponos, which means Pain
Both Pain and Poneros (as well as the English derivatives Penitence and Penitentiary) come from the ancient root Penomai meaning “to exert effort” in the debilitating sense
  • Pain is the result of this “effort”, and the poneric person (or poneros) is its propagator. 
Actually, “effort” is not precisely the right word. 
  • Penomai is something one does to oneself that wears oneself down, that harms the self and makes the self suffer. 
In other words ----- it is an imposition of entropy upon oneself BY oneself
We can, therefore, understand the poneric person as a propagator of self-generatedentropy
The poneros is not simply someone who acts to cause pain, but someone who acts to create the state of entropic being that perpetuates itself. 
  • Biblically, this was identified as the “Lucifer” character. Having infected the psyches of a third of Angelic beings whose minds were harmonious and orderly, became literally possessed by the virus of poneros, thus "falling from grace". As a consequence of this "entropy in the consciousness of Angels", the material realm became manifest to live out that drama having free will governed by natural law.
What the poneros propagates is his or her very state of being. --- the propagation of the entropy of consciousness.
  • An analogy would be an AIDS patient spreading germs that infect anything they touch, and that turns whoever is infected into an AIDS carrier as well (Revenge of the Body-snatchers). 
According to the implications of the etymological meaning, the poneric person is not a carrier of some parasite, but a mutation propagating itself by converting other organisms to the same mutational pattern. 
Poneric persons, therefore, constantly break down and undermine their own being, as they are personifications of psychic entropy
It stands to reason that if left alone they would simply end up consuming themselves. 
To inhibit or even delay this breakdown, they would need support from others to which they could channel the same dynamics: 
undermining harmony, life and integrity in order to relieve themselves of the self-consuming poneric pressure. 

This is not to be mistaken with a passing of a burden. 
Rather, the pressure poneric people feel is more similar to the reproductive drive. 
As such, propagating the entropy that consumes them, regardless if others become directly poneric or simply victims of other forms of breakdown (pain and suffering), gives the propagators of ponos a sense of accomplishment and meaning to their life (no matter how they dress it up). 
Indeed, they do dress it (often in elaborate and deceptive ways), not because they feel misgivings, but as camouflage to make propagation easier. 
In that sense, ideological dressings (such as communism, democracy, or fascism) are similar to biological adaptations to better serve the poneric drive. 
  • When enough ponerics have been “seeded” to create a pathocracy (literally the “rule of suffering”) the dressings are usually discarded
The biological analogy, along with the understanding that poneric infection is a mutation of the mind, may provide insight as to how to deal with it.. 
Lobaczewski's "Ponerology" is literally a gold mine of such insight, and the more we explore it the more “weapons” we can forge to address what amounts to a pathocratic outbreak of epidemic proportions in our current times.

From Wikipedia:
According to Łobaczewski, all societies vacillate between "happy times," or times of prosperity, during which advanced psychological knowledge of psycho-pathological influence in the corridors of power is suppressed, and "unhappy times." During unhappy times, the intelligentsia and society at large can recover this specialized knowledge to resolve the social order along mentally healthier lines. It is to be noted that happy times do not imply morally advanced times, as Łobaczewski makes clear that this happiness or prosperity may well be premised on the oppression of a target group.

Lobaczewski defines many specific character- opathies, which Western psychology would likely refer to as character disorders, as paving the way for the ultimate rule of "essential psychopaths" in full-fledged Pathocracy. This allegedly takes place when society is insufficiently guarded against the minority of such abnormal pathology ever-present in its midst (Łobaczewski asserts that the etiology is almost entirely bio-genetic.) He believes that they infiltrate an institution or state, prevailing moral values are perverted into their opposite, and a coded language like Orwell's doublethink circulates into the mainstream, using para logic and para moralism in place of genuine logicand morality.

There are various identifiable stages of pathocracy described by Lobaczewski. Ultimately, each pathocracy is foredoomed because the root of healthy social morality, according to Łobaczewski, is contained in the congenital instinctive infrastructure in the vast majority of the population. While some in the normal population are more susceptible to pathocratic influence, and become its lackeys, the majority instinctively resist. -Wikipedia


Hegelian dialectic slides courtesy: Mark Passio 

To learn more about Political PonerologyPsychopathy and the METHODSpsychopaths and Poneric World leaders employ, please visit these sites.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Natural Law and the Concept of "Authority"

Anarchy, etymologically broken down into it's component parts has a completely different meaning than what people today imagine the concept to actually be. If you ask somebody on the street what they would define anarchy as, what do you think their answer would be? Chaos? Well, let's look at the word itself. Anarchy comes from two Greek words. "An"meaning without and "Arkhos" meaning Chief/ Ruler. Therefore, when combined it makes the word "anarkhos", which translated to the English language is Anarchy. It's the same word with the same meaning. We learn that the word does not mean chaos but is literally defined as No Rulers/ No Masters. Does that sound like chaos to you? I didn't think so. Actually, if the world were to have no masters/ no rulers, that would appear to be, more so, a lot like order rather than chaos.

The question that then comes to mind is WHY would we believe anarchy to be the exact opposite to that which it actually is? The term Obfuscation comes to mind. The term Obfuscation is derived from the Latin words "ob" meaning over and "fuscare" meaning to make dark. When combined the definition of Obfuscation literally means To darken the meaning from above. So, who could possibly be darkening, confusing, and obscuring key words, concepts, and information from above? The next term that should come to mind isHierarchy

Hierarchy is a fairly intricate word which has a lot of concepts to understand. Hierarchy comes from the Greek hierarkhos meaning sacred ruler. It is derived from the same root asAnarchy. Let's do a little word play and come to a deeper understanding of what is actually going on here. 
Higher ARCH = Supreme Ruler. 
Royal Arch Masonry = Supreme Ruler Construction. Building, brick by brick (mind by mind), a supreme ruler who governs mankind. The flip side of this concept represents TRUE masonry. Which would then be interpreted: Building Supreme Mastery of one's will in accord with the governing forces of nature. 
The status quo (The Higher Archs/ Rulers) stunt imagination and forward progress of consciousness every time they obfuscate words, such as anarchy, to mean the opposite of what it is. George Orwell, in his novel 1984 referred to this as "doublespeak" and the intention of doublespeak, in the story, is analogous to the selfish desires and ambitious endeavors of the elites of today. They use their unlimited financing to obscure from your eyes, life saving information that you can use to make informed decisions, so that their agenda of domination/ control will go through as planned. 

What we are currently experiencing now IS chaos (The elites call it order, democracy, socialism and a plethora of other names). As a RESULT of this chaos, we are experiencing manipulated suffering in our world and can not solve the problems because we do not have the knowledge of natural law as our guiding light in any of our endeavors. We NEED to know this knowledge, understand it, and utilize it in the world if we desire to be free to express ourselves without restriction. This knowledge is a PRE-REQUISITE to liberty, meaning we MUST come to know how natural law is governing the behaviors of every human on Earth and understand why we must do that which is in accord with what is Right.

True anarchy, then, would be "the hidden concept" to strive toward in order to manifest an orderly/ wholesome society. The question now is, how do we do this? The solutions can not be derived from the same system of manipulation that reinforced it's own creation and growth. People must come to know and understand the foundation which all Truth in the world rests; The Trivium methodology of truth discovery & The Hermetic Principlesof Divine cosmic order. The result of incorporating a pure information stream into one's life is conducive to living a self-responsible, self-governing existence in accord with nature and her laws. Internal Monarchy which means self ruler-ship/ Mastery of oneself will manifest itself automatically once Natural law is understood and consciously acted upon. 

Natural law is pretty simple. It is the boundary conditions that govern our behavior. It is the concept of reaping what you sow. 
It is the Golden Rule. Do not do unto others that which you do not want done to you. 
This is an immutable, unchangeable, and existing principle that exists in nature and is in operation whether one "believes" in it or not. 
Our "belief" in it is not required for it to be having an effect on our lives. 
The sooner we learn this lesson, the better.

What we call the Matrix, which we are all born into on this planet IS the problem. The Matrix has the human kingdom set up like a colony of Bees.
This hierarchical structuring is not natural for human beings because we are not animals. Animals are operating on instincts alone. They are completely programmed by nature to behave the way that they do.
Humans are not. 
Humans are operating on a much higher plane of consciousness. Mankind IS NOT bound completely by nature because mankind has free will. 
As a result of free will, Consciousness is molded according to the actions of the collective majority of the people on the planet. 
Therefore, Authority is not a true principle for humanity but is in fact an illusory concept based in fear. but it is for animals. 
Because Man wants to control the behavior of other beings, the environment around him, and the possible outcomes of the future, the consequence is a contraction, rather than an expansion, of consciousness, a reduction, rather than an abundance, of liberty. 

The control grid is set up so the ultra wealthy preserve their future generations power and control while the poor struggle to survive and get milked more efficiently. 
This behavior is in complete opposition to all that is naturally lawful in the Universe... and it IS therefore a Deception. 

Science teaches that humans are programmed by nature and free will does not matter because the GENETIC PROGRAMMING is God.
Christians teach that it's all part of God's plan so just stand down and let what happens happen. 
Both "belief systems" are WRONG and do not align with the truth. 
The Creator, whatever that is, did not design us with the conscious ability to decide for ourselves just to sit on our hands and let the ultra wealthy manipulate and bend the masses to their will. In fact, the personification of Jesus took ACTION on the bankers in the temple of his day, noticing their evil, and whipped their asses. 
We are to follow the example that Christ laid down for us. 
It's clear and simple, like all truth is. 
Humanity is in sufferance and it is humanity that are the targets of mind control! 
Our aim needs to be pointed at the root causes of that suffering, at the top of the hierarchy. 
The root causes are Authority and those who would thwart forward progress and freedom. 

The only authority that IS true for humans is "self-authority". 
We are in control of no other human being but ourselves. If we try to control another human, we are committing a serious violation against natural law. 
We are to love each other and promote freedom. We own our own bodies and we own whatever property we are using. 
If someone demands that I can not smoke weed, that person is a tyrant by his conscious action. 
If someone coerces me to purchase a permit for $30 so I can smoke the weed then that person a slave master. 
If I were to comply, I have consented to their supremacy. If I do not comply, I could be threatened with violence and fines. 
That is NOT the progression of free will, freedom or the pursuit of happiness.

Cicero described Natural Law as True Law: “True Law is right reason in agreement with nature (God, the Supreme Being); it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions …. It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it ….”

Further explaining his concept, Cicero added that Natural Law comes from God to man through man’s ability to reason, “(Man) is the only one among so many different kinds and verities of living beings who has a share in reason and thought (given by God) …. And reason, when it is full grown and perfected, is rightly called wisdom … the first common possession of man and God is reason.”

Thus Natural Law is law that can be reasoned by man, because it is law written on man’s heart by the Creator. The Creator doesn't just grab us and in a lightning bolt write with his finger on our chest. Natural law is embedded in the conscience. Natural Law provided our founders with such concepts as: unalienable rights, unalienable duties, self-preservation or the right to self-defense, justice by reparation and duty to take care of one’s self, to name a few.

Blackstone justified further the American founders’ use of Natural Law within the Constitution and its framework when he wrote, “… man depends absolutely upon his Maker for everything, it is necessary that he should in all points conform to his Maker’s will … this will of his Maker is called the law of nature … This law of nature dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other.” Another way of saying our rights come from God.