Sunday, July 27, 2014


And that is what sophistry accomplishes; the proliferation of deception for the purpose of manipulating the mind to conform into accepting their notions. That is what Sorcerers do. But the Irony is; once you've begun propagating a deception, in order to conceal your insincerity, you actually begin embodying the deception into your own life. It overtakes you and you start getting high on the same dope you're peddling. Because in order to preserve the facade/ illusion, you rationalize it so well that people start believing it and after awhile they come back to you with questions and you must know the answers, so you play the part. 

I'ts no different than if a guy in his mid 30's "pretends" to get hurt at work and decides to cheat the company out of worker's compensation benefits and retire off of it. The guy views it as an opportunity, but the requirement for this is to go to the doctors, chiropractors and psychotherapists because you have to prove that your back has suffered irreparable damage. First, the back specialists prescribing pain meds which you then turn around and sell. Then you have to receive chiropractic treatments to prove your back is out of whack, and then, because of the disturbance in your life that this "supposed" injury is causing in your life, you make a SSI claim for benefits pertaining to post traumatic stress disorder. So, now, to keep the illusion alive, you play that "role" and in doing so are prescribed valium, xanax, prozac, and zoloft by the psychiatrist. Soma and other muscle relaxers by the chiropractor, and oxycontin and morphine by the pain management doctors. So, you take the drugs to pass the urine tests and to appear legitimate for the court all to win your claim; becoming doped up, selling drugs, hiding from being spotted working... it's complete chaos.

Wash, rinse, repeat... the cycle never ends. Talk to that guy ten years down the road, his brain is fried, his muscles gone, on a breathing machine, divorced three times, his children hate him and are operating the same way. So you ask him, "how did this happen?" He replies, that he hurt his back and it caused psychological trauma, blah blah blah. The guy actually convinced himself of his own bullshit... and I know this personally as a fact because it's a real close relative of mine and I've been dealing with him for 20 years like this.  Totally deluded and any light he once had is exterminated. Natural law in action!

Dawkins states, "We are machines built by DNA whose purpose is to make more copies of the same DNA... It is every living object's sole reason for living".
So, according to Dawkin's, whom many in the scientific community admire and claims is very intelligent, our "purpose" for being born is to procreate.

Now, G.K. Chesterton emphatically reasons, "It is as if a Man were asked, "What is the use of a hammer?" and answered, "To make hammers"; and when asked, "And of those hammers, what is the use?" answered, "To make hammers again". Just as such a Man would be perpetually putting off the question of the ULTIMATE USE of carpentry, so, all the rest of us are by these phrases successfully putting off the question of the ULTIMATE VALUE of the Human Life". 

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