Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Filter Free Amerika Podcast - Natural Law & the Sovereign Citizen Movement

I was asked to be a guest about a month ago on the Filter Free Amerika Podcast. 
Host Joey Vincent and co-host, retired cop aspiring stand-up comedian, Chuck Gollop. 
A couple of very nice fellows who were very patient with me.

Natural Law is not a "belief system". It is an art and it is a science. The effects of natural law can be demonstrated using the scientific method, but most importantly, the very laws of logic literally rely on it. Natural Law explains all the reasons for suffering in the world and it shows us HOW to correct those problems. Natural Law is literally the Universe's way of governing the free-will choices of conscious beings. It exists to facilitate the growth (through learning from mistakes) and  therefore the expansion (or becoming) of consciousness. Through our free-will decisions, natural law is literally the parameters that keep us in check and tell us "what we can and can not do". 

It is an art because we can learn to master ourselves by obeying the dictates of natural law.
The problem is that hardly anybody has any common sense.
Because to master oneself, one has to take ownership of their every action and stop playing the victim card. The truth is that we create our reality. We do not do this by our thoughts alone, we do this by our ACTIONS we take in the world. Owning up to our mistakes is imperative if we ever expect to be free and that involves taking personal responsibility. People are too easily in the habit of giving away their Rights. They do this because they don't want the personal responsibility of having to answer for themselves if something goes wrong so they abdicate personal responsibility and say, "Here, you do this for me. I don't want the burden of being responsible for that". But the truth is, you are always responsible because you can't really abdicate that responsibility. You will always ultimately pay the price for trying to abdicate the responsibility, like Franklin states: Those who give up their rights (liberty) for safety will lose both. This is the consequence for buying an illusion. You get nothing in return, but you lost you hard earned dough "believing" there was substance. This is natural law!

Many "claim" to have common sense. Common sense is conscience. Conscience is following your intuition, cultivating it, and obeying it. It is the inherent knowledge of the difference between Right and wrong. The majority of people on this planet do not know the difference. And this is so because the very conditions of our society, as a whole, demand we obey the dictates of dogma over our own inherent moral compass. People say that they want freedom, liberty, peace, all virtuous things. But if we really want these things, our conscience MUST be listened to. And these days, we are not listening. 

The foundation of Natural Law rests on knowing your Rights; what you have a Right to do. Simply put, so long as you intend no harm in your action, you have a Right to do ANYTHING. The Founding Fathers KNEW this. This is why they decorated the Constitution and Declaration of Independence in the LANGUAGE of Natural law. This Country was founded on Natural law principles but these principles, like a fresh seed were not watered and they were overgrown by weeds. The weeds naturally grew up in the place of Liberty and our Government kept declaring that these weeds were actually what they were not and the people were skeptical but persuaded through coercion, violence, and intimidation. So we do not have the Government of our founders. We have the Illusion of a supposedly "free" Country based on self-government but this is an illusion. What we have is Feudalism

It's not that natural law is difficult to understand, a 6 year old kid could literally understand this very easily. The problem is that it is not widely known. And that's because nobody is teaching it. Yet, all the symbols of all the mystery schools of the ancient world detail the allegorical story of the result of both obeying natural law and violating it's dictates. The symbols are staring us directly in the face yet we are completely nescient to their hidden translation. We find these on the seal of the united states of America, the street layout of the City Map of Washington D.C., and the Architecture, monuments, and murals within this nation's Capitol


It is important to recognize that the word "occult" simply means "hidden" and that there is MULTITUDES of knowledge actively being suppressed and this includes not only the wisdom of natural law, the power of our true potential, and the dialectical illusion being played out but also history and current events.Humanity has been (and is) being steered away from understanding certain information that would enable us to make better decisions in our personal lives and in the world around us. 

There has always been a group of people who call themselves "illuminated" who have passed these secrets down through history to their most trusted inner circle initiates. Sometimes their children would inherit this wisdom by default. But as long as there has been rulers in the world, which equates with authoritarians today, this wisdom has been withheld from the masses. A huge priest class was set up hoarding this knowledge and rather than disseminating it freely, which would be the RIGHT thing to do, they used it as leverage against the rest of humanity to increase their personal wealth, power, and CONTROL. As a result, they turned the world into a big farm. 
This priest class has always used it's influence, power, psychology (sorcery), and mind control (black magic) to steer humanity away from discovering the truth. It's ironic how these people are very intelligent, yet can not comprehend that they are reaping what they have sown by being a victim to their own methods. Though these "dark occultists" have planned and schemed far into the future, they have planned for their own enslavement.  
Anthony Sutton, in his book "America's Secret Establishment" exposed the fact that the global elite came to the correct conclusion that to control and manipulate a society for their benefit, they need only control a certain aspect of society. These are:

  • Education (how the future population will behave)
  • Money (the means of holding wealth & exchanging goods)
  • Law (authority to enforce the will of the State)
  • Politics (the direction of the State & economy)
  • History (what people believe happened in the past)
  • Psychology (means of controlling what people think)
  • Philanthropy (so that people admire & think well of the controllers)
  • Medicine (power over health, life, and death)
  • Media (what people know and learn about current events)
  • Continuity (the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps
What this amounts to is the infiltrating and controlling of the power centers of a society. By placing their own people in key positions they could come to control and dominate a society completely and steer it in any direction they choose.

Deceptions have always been taught through all the religions that this priest class set up, they took true concepts, described them allegorically, and then taught the literal translation, the exoteric meaning rather than the esoteric). These people are today the heads of the most powerful ruling elite that you never hear about on cable news channels. These people control everything, but remember this one thing... all the endless trivialities, reality shows, fake news, public schools, laws, codes, statutes, religions, even money are there and exist to further their idea of the world, not yours.. The LAST thing these elitists want is for you to wake up and discover the truth. 

Their biggest fear is that you will come to find the truth and stop complying with their corrupt, out of balance system.  They will keep manipulating you and continue to indoctrinate you about what is "normal". 


The most occulted/ hidden information they want to keep you from involves knowing who you truly are and what power you truly possess. If they can keep you convinced that some people are masters and have a moral obligation to issue commands and that some people are slaves and have the moral obligation to obey those commands then they have played the dialectic game perfectly. The belief in authority outside oneself is a complete and utter lie.
But the sad thing is that most people actually believe that statement above. 
What's even worse is supposed Christians who claim the only authority belongs to God and that only God's dictates are true and just, while actually buying into the whole "voting for a Master to rule society" game when their own Bible, which they do not fully comprehend AT ALL, explicitly states that you can not have two masters. This literally means that you can not hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time.

Then the atheists are just as bad. The whole Universe is governed by law all the way through and they will acknowledge this "objective" Truth. But somehow when you get to Man, there's no natural law governing behavioral consequence. No, Man gets to decide what is Right and what is wrong.., what is True and what is not. They claim there is no objective truth and everything is "subjective". The belief in moral relativism IS a religion. It is the belief that Man is God. This is also cognitive dissonance to the tenth power!!


The truth is that both Atheists and Religionists are wrong. There either exists a Creator or there doesn't and it can not be both. The truth is that the Universe was created by a creator but it's not what we have been told through the religions or science. The Bible is actually an allegorical handbook describing through very deep metaphor how to expand consciousness and transcend limitation. Natural Law teaches that the Universe is Fractal and self similar across all scales. It is created in particular patterns and it is consciousness itself thst recognizes these patterns of behavior. The society we're in is so ingrained, indoctrinated, and closed off that "scientism" has a monopoly on what they deem to be "truth". And right now, it is widely believed that Right and wrong is only a construct of man's mind. But that is the polar opposite to what the ancient mystery schools taught their highest degrees.The truth is that Right and wrong exist whether man exists or not. Man's place in the Universe is of no significance to whether or not natural law is in operation, it is always in operation and it exists. It governs your actions whether you believe it is or not. 

Our worldview is distorted. Our worldview needs healing. We need to stop lying to ourselves, take responsibility, and act in accord with what is Right. Stop violating other people's Rights and recognize that other people's bodies are not our's to control. We have an inherent responsibility to learn to "control" our own selves. This corresponds to the parable of removing the stick from your own eye before you start trying to remove toothpicks from the eyes of others. Being thoughtful that what goes around comes back around, so we treat others how we would desire to be treated. We have to start caring. Care is the main ingredient to success. You cultivate the ambition to care about the Truth through the use of our will. We force ourselves to care. We stop forcing others and begin forcing OURSELVES to move in the Right direction. That's TRUE Care.


Conscience is the internal guiding system humanity is blessed with having. It is literally your compass to living in the Right. Police and Military side swipe their consciences by following orders from their masters. Police make all kinds of justifications and excuses as to why they follow through with immoral orders but there is no legitimate excuse. Justifications for burying the conscience are null and void. As it is the conscience itself that will direct us toward what is moral, right, justified, and true. The Ancient Mystery traditions considered the conscience the home dwelling of the Higher self. To sell your soul means to disobey your conscience.

The Spiritual realm and the physical realm exist simultaneously. Natural law is all about changing our current state of ignorance into another state of knowledge. It is transmuting that which is erroneous and making it Right. It's called the Law of Cause and Effect. 
The Law of Cause and Effect is omnipresent across all scales, both in the Macrocosm and the microcosm. So not only does it govern the whole Universe, it governs all the individual parts that comprise the whole as well. And guess what? We're one of the individual parts. We are not separate from nature, we are a part of it. 
The spiritual realm is the realm of causation and the physical realm is the realm of effects. If you don't like the effects you keep getting, you can only change them in the realm of causation. It's like if you want to kill a tree you have to strike at the root. The same principle applies here.

To get right with reason means that we can no longer afford to be an ignorant nation. We need to start paying attention and taking ACTION in the world to turn this system upside down. If we want to stop the corruption, we must stop complying. It's that simple.There are very powerful forces out there banking off of us while we're unwittingly goofing off at the club, or sitting around watching football. We can not afford to put our defenses down and TRUST this government. They are not there to benefit us, they are there to benefit their corporate fascist friends. 

I'm including here some links that will enable you to build yourself up relatively quickly. The information is so dense that you can learn this in no time at all. What i am including is the MOST occulted information the world over. There is no more coveted information in the world than
what I am sharing here. This is the stuff that will arm you into being a Man or Woman of action. It will break the mind control that makes you passive and grow you a set of balls (you too ladies). If you need to get a hold of me, send me an email and I will help you..




MARK PASSIO - What on Earth is Happening









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