Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rediculousness and endless TRIVIALITIES

Children are so innocent and pure. 
It is the demands and commands of so called "adult" society that DESTROY a child's natural state of joy. 
The entire system we are experiencing GOT TA GO! 
No more Victim/ Abuser relationship/ cycle. 
No more Rich feeding from the poor (which IS slavery AND which is the "sand" foundation upon which the whole system of lies is built upon). 
All the reasons why we have indoctrination, "belief" systems over Truth propagation, "entertainment" over moral duty is to keep humanity pinned down in ignorance so we can be more easily controlled by the financiers running the world. 
All the endless trivialities are there to keep us feeling hopeless like there is nothing we can do about it. 
You know what that's called? It's called a 
We have freewill to DECIDE to make the RIGHT choices that do not harm another. 
We have CONSCIENCE to know the difference. 
We have the capacity for courage that when put into use can remedy ALL the ailments of mind control. 

People are living in delusions and don't even have the CARE necessary to initiate any change away from that complacency. Those of us who are waking up to REALITY have to FORCE this into ACTION! 
Jesus got angry one time. Who did he get angry at? The money changers in the temple. He overturned their tables and WHIPPED THEIR ASSES. He took ACTION. 
Action is required for change to occur. 

Sadly, most people just want to sit behind their computers and "discuss" the problems. 
We have to literally BECOME the change we wish to see in the world. And it is not about doing anything more in our lives. It's about STOPPING what we are doing and saying NO! 
Stop complying with government orders. 

We are the AUTHORS of our own lives only. 
Authority outside of ourselves DOES NOT EXIST IN NATURE. It is a fictional idea that stems from "Man" wanting to "control" those around him because he does not believe TRUE FREEDOM is possible. 
What a load of CRAP that idea is. And they call themselves illuminated. 
Orwell himself would have known that Illuminated in THIS system is actually PURE DARKNESS and EVIL!

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